Strategic Interventions

A secure South Western Uganda that is productive, prosperous and harnesses its resources for inclusive sustainable development.

Agro-Industrialisation Program

The program focuses on increasing the commercialization and competitiveness of agricultural production and

Mineral Development Program

Under NDP III, the program aims to increase mineral exploitation and value addition

Tourism Development Program

The program aims to increase Uganda’s attractiveness as a preferred tourist destination. Expected

Natural Resources Environment, Climate Change, Land and Water Management Program

The program aims to stop and reverse the degradation of Water Resources, the

Private Sector Development Program

The program aims to increase the competitiveness of the private sector to drive

Sustainable Energy Development Program

The program aims to increase access to and consumption of clean energy. Expected

Development Plan Implementation Program

The program aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the SWRDF implementation

Integrated Transport Infrastructure and Services Program

The program intends to have a seamless, safe, inclusive and sustainable multi- modal

Years Of Existance

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