
A secure South Western Uganda that is productive, prosperous and harnesses its resources for inclusive sustainable development.


Agro-Industrialisation Program

The program focuses on increasing the commercialization and competitiveness of agricultural production and agro-processing. The key results include: increasing the export value of selected agricultural commodities, increasing the agricultural sector growth rate, increasing labour productivity in the agro-industry value chain, creating jobs in the agro-industry, and increasing the proportion of households that are food secure. Under this program, the region will focus on the following projects within the period 2020/21 – 2024/25:

  1. Support to Affordable Mechanization of Agriculture focusing on Coffee, Tea, Banana,
    Beef and Milk production.
  2. Establishment of small-scale irrigation systems.
  3.  Establishment of agro-industrial park(s)

Projects highlighted

1. Support to Affordable Mechanization of Agriculture
2. Promoting Agricultural Storage and Post-harvest handling Infrastructure
3. Commodity-Based Regional Agricultural Processing and Marketing Centre
4. Establishment of small-scale Irrigation systems
5. Establishment of the agro-industrial park(s)- Creating an agricultural hub

Related Opportunities

Innovation, Technology Development and Transfer Program

The program aims to increase the development, adoption, transfer and commercialization of Technologies & Innovations

Human Development Projects

The program aims to increase the productivity of the population for increased competitiveness and better

Community Mobilization and Mind-Set Change Program

The program aims at empowering families, communities and citizens to embrace national values and actively

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Budget Estimates FY 2022-23

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